The Pros and Cons of Not Having an Escrow Account

When it comes to buying a home, one of the most important decisions you'll have to make is whether or not to open an escrow account. Homeowners with enough capital in their homes to choose not to have an escrow account can reproduce the convenience of a seizure account, without the disadvantage of losing interest, by having the monthly allocation of tax and insurance funds automatically directed to a savings account that earns interest until it's time. An escrow account is a type of account that is used to hold funds for payment of taxes and insurance on a property. It is managed by a third party, such as an escrow company, escrow agent, or mortgage servicing entity.

The lender benefits from having a security deposit for taxes and insurance because it protects them against the risk of the county auctioning the security on your loan (your home) if those expenses are not paid. Sometimes an escrow account is required and sometimes not. It depends on the type of loan you get, as well as your financial profile. For VA loans, for example, you'll need a 10% down payment and a strong credit profile to stop having an escrow account.

It may be tempting to run out of an escrow account because it could mean a lower monthly mortgage payment, but the escrow can give you peace of mind by eliminating your responsibility to make sure those important bills are paid. The downsides of not having an escrow account include the risk of forgetting to pay taxes or insurance on time, as well as the lost opportunity cost. For example, if your escrow account falls short due to the increase in your property tax bill, the managing entity will normally cover the difference temporarily. You'll need to replace your reserve and pay more on your mortgage payments in the following months, both to replace the limit that ran out and to offset the higher tax or insurance rates you're paying. Another drawback of escrow accounts is that they are set for your latest property tax rate or home insurance rate. Other problems occur when escrow accounts don't work properly, when there is an excess or shortage, and because of the lost opportunity cost.

To ensure that there is sufficient cash in custody, most lenders require that a minimum of 2 months of additional payments be held in your account. On the other hand, there are some benefits to not having an escrow account. You can save money by avoiding fees associated with setting up and maintaining an escrow account. You also have more control over how you manage your money since you won't have to wait for funds to be released from an escrow account before making payments. Some banks or loan companies require that the mortgage loan be at least one year old and have no late payments before considering waiving the escrow requirement. Some mortgages require escrow accounts, especially for first-time homebuyers or with small down payments.

Once you have paid a sufficient amount of the loan, there is a possibility that you may be exempted from the escrow requirement, according to the lender. When it comes to deciding whether or not to open an escrow account, it's up to you to weigh the pros and cons and decide what's best for your financial situation. Let's take a closer look at home equity accounts, including what they are, how they work, who they protect, their pros and cons, and whether or not you can avoid using a home equity account or if you're stuck with your own.